Children's Theater 

A Theater For Children

I've worked with A Theater For Children since 2019.  It's an amazing non-profit that lets kids be in shows at no cost. 

Disney's Beauty & the Beast

Sparrow (Beast) & Ava (Belle). Loved this production.

My background in Ballroom dance finally paid off!

Disney's Beauty & the Beast

Ainsley (Wardrobe), Nadia (Lumiere), Sparrow (Beast), CJ (Babette), Hannah (Mrs. Potts) Chip (Griffin), Pup/Footstool (Emmaline

Disney's Beauty & the Beast

Ava (Belle), Giuliano, Alanna, Maven, Angelina (Goats)

I made those hats for a production of As You Like It

Acting Classes

I'm going to start a series of acting classes soon with A Theater for Children. Stay tuned!

Chalkboard Players

I was a founding member of Chalkboard Players - an improv fairytale group that traveled around doing performances for kids at local food banks.

I also designed & made the t-shirts!

Other Companies

Before A Theater For Children changed leadership, it was "Actors Theater for Children," and I did a couple shows with them as well. 

I directed a couple of productions with Kid Biz:

And a show with Credo High School